Cosmo Business/Motivation

Business CE (2025) 6hr Communication and Connection /Pure Coaching

Class: Communication and Pure Coaching 6 hours
Taught by Andrew Carruthers

Part 1 Class Name: Communication and Connection

Price $60

Class topic:
Understanding our unique style and energy of communication allows us to work from a place of strength while managing the challenges of our natural style. And, when we recognize everyone's unique style, we can lower our judgments and have deeper, more meaningful conversations. Using curiosity and observation instead of evaluation creates a space where people feel heard, are more willing to share honestly, and change can be made. These skills support our relationships with co-workers, clients, and of course friends and family as well.

Class breakdown:
Segment 1
DISC Profile:
Self discovery of DISC profile
Dive into each profile D-I-S-C and what the strengths and challenges are of each ○ How to harness the strengths of your individual profile while managing the challenges
How to adapt to other communication profiles while maintaining authenticity ●

Segment 2 (2hrs):
What is the difference between Curious Observational conversations and judgement
How to ask better questions
How to offer observation that supports progress and self-motivation instead of evaluation
Ways to integrate the learning of the day into sustainable long-term habits

Part 2

Class Name: Foundations of Pure Coaching

Class topic:
Pure coaching is the highest form of learning because it aims to create REAL change. Not just a change in action, but a change in perception and feeling as well. This is a different approach from what many of us experienced from "coaches" in the past where they were more direct mentors, teachers, or managers/leaders who were offering us direction. When we put our pure coach hat on, we use a specific process and skillset to open a space for the other person to own their authentic process, their own wisdom, and take responsibility for their own growth! We become a support system instead of a guidance system. This isn't always the most efficient path though, so we will clarify which hat is best to wear for each situation.

Segment 1 (2 hours):
How "coaching" has been experienced in the past
The difference between pure coaching and other modalities
What situation does each modality fit best based on time and the level of change needed
Where does pure coaching fit within your world and how to implement.

Segment 2 (2hrs):
Overview of the coaching process from start to finish
Examples of the process.
Practice the process
Creating intention/vision on how to introduce pure coaching into leadership, teams, and even personal relationships with friends and family

Andrew Carruthers Bio

Andrew’s journey started as an apprentice at a salon that instantly proved there is more to be had in the hair industry than could be seen from the outside. In the past 21 years, he has been a full-time hairdresser, salon owner, artistic director, education director, photographer, editorial stylist, educator, and coach both within and outside the hair world.

“Both my paths as a teacher and a personal coach were spawned from a feeling of paying it forward.”

Andrew saw first-hand how skilled teachers and his life coach were able to shape a future more expensive than his eyes first envisioned. He wanted to do the same for others so teaching and coaching became a major focus early in his career. As Artistic Director for Paul Mitchell Schools and Education Director for Sam Villa, Andrew’s passion turned towards building future teachers, coaches, and leaders. Again, all with the purpose of offering those gifts that were given to him to the widest audience possible.

“Every coaching client I work with and every class I teach returns inspiration for my own journey.”

In his life coaching practice, The Journeyist, Andrew draws on his certification as an mBit (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques) coach/trainer and his education through Soul Salt Academy and Ultimate Coach University to support people in using their own intuition, compassion, and creativity to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally.

“I truly believe that our journeys are our best teachers”.

Motorcycle trips, outdoor adventures, meditation, music, and training in Aikido are all directly infused into Andrew’s vision of life and therefore find their way into every class, every presentation, and every coaching session.

“If you are open to your own journey and ready to explore forward with joy and curiosity, my greatest hope is that I can offer some part of my training and experience to support you on your path.”

  • Andrew Carruthers Coaching 1
  • Andrew Carruthers Creative Coaching 2
  • Andrew Carruthers Creative Coaching 3
  • Andrew Carruthers Creative Coaching 4
  • Andrew Carruthers Creative Coaching 5
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 1
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 2
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 3
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 4
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 5
  • Andrew Carruthers Communication Class 6
  • final
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever